====== Introduction ====== These notes discuss the installation of the [[https://github.com/mautrix/imessage|Mautrix iMessage bridge]]. This will involve installing a websocket proxy and the bridge component on a Mac (or other system running macOS), and setting up a VPN between the Mac and your Synapse server using ZeroTier. ===== Note ===== This bridge, at least as configured following these instructions, can only bridge a single iMessage user. You may be able to adapt these instructions to bridge to multiple users, but I can't give any assistance on that area, at least at this time. ====== Prerequisites ====== * You’ve installed Synapse on a public server using the Ansible playbook at [[https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy]], and you have root access to that server * You have an available system running macOS Big Sur (11.x) or newer * Because the bridge will run on this system, it will need to be running 24x7x365 * You’ll need to disable SIP and AMFI as described at [[https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/go/imessage/mac-nosip/setup.html#disabling-sip-and-amfi]] * Since this disables significant security features, it’s best this macOS installation be on its own machine or VM. macOS runs well under Proxmox; see [[https://github.com/luchina-gabriel/OSX-PROXMOX]] * You also need to be logged into iMessage on that system. * The macOS system must have Xcode installed (free from the App Store) along with [[https://brew.sh/|Homebrew]] * ====== Installing ZeroTier ====== ===== On your Synapse server ===== ''%%curl -s 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zerotier/ZeroTierOne/master/doc/contact%40zerotier.com.gpg' | gpg --import && \ if z=$(curl -s 'https://install.zerotier.com/' | gpg); then echo "$z" | sudo bash; fi%%'' ===== On your Mac ===== Download the installer from zerotier.com and install it ===== Set up the network ===== * Log in to your account on zerotier.com–create one if you don’t have it; it’s free. * Go to the Networks tab, and click “Create A Network” * Once the network is created, you can optionally (but recommended) change the name to something meaningful. Make a note of the network ID. * On the Mac, go to the ZeroTier menu, select “Join New Network…”, and paste in the network ID. * On your Synapse server, run ''%%sudo zerotier-cli join %%'' * Go back to the Networks tab on zerotier.com, and click on the network you just created. You’ll see two Members; check the box under “Auth?” to allow them to join. In a moment, you’ll see managed IPs show up for each member. Give each member a name so you can readily tell them apart, and test connectivity by pinging each one from the other. ====== Install Barcelona ====== Barcelona is a component used by the bridge to interface with the iMessage service, and it will need to be built from source code. You’ll need to run these commands from your preferred terminal on the Mac: * ''%%mkdir -p ~/src/{mautrix-imessage,mautrix-wsproxy,barcelona-mautrix}%%'' * ''%%brew install xcodegen && sudo gem install xcpretty%%'' * ''%%cd ~%%'' * ''%%git clone https://github.com/beeper/barcelona%%'' * ''%%cd barcelona%%'' * ''%%make mautrix-macos%%'' * ''%%cp ~/barcelona/Build/macOS/Build/Products/Release/barcelona-mautrix-macOS ~/src/barcelona-mautrix/%%'' * ''%%sudo cp ~/barcelona/com.apple.security.xpc.plist /Library/Preferences/%%'' ====== Install the bridge ====== This step is done on the Mac. First, browse to [[https://mau.dev/mautrix/imessage/pipelines?scope=branches&page=1]]. Download the latest (i.e., first on the list) build from the ''%%master%%'' branch, with the appropriate architecture. If you don’t know, download the one that says ''%%build universal:archive%%''. Unzip it. * Move the contents to ''%%~/src/mautrix-imessage/%%'', and rename ''%%example-config.yaml%%'' to ''%%config.yaml%%''. * Edit ''%%config.yaml%%''. * In the ''%%homeserver:%%'' section, change ''%%address:%%'' to point to your Synapse server (e.g., ''%%https://matrix.example.com%%''). Change ''%%websocket_proxy%%'' to ''%%ws://localhost:29331%%''. Change ''%%domain:%%'' to the domain of your Synapse server (e.g., ''%%example.com%%''). * In the ''%%imessage:%%'' section, change ''%%platform:%%'' to ''%%mac-nosip%%'' and ''%%imessage_rest_path:%%'' to ''%%/Users//src/barcelona-mautrix/barcelona-mautrix%%'', where ''%%%%'' is your username on the Mac. * In the ''%%bridge:%%'' section, change ''%%user:%%'' to your user. Change ''%%login_shared_secret:%%'' to the value of ''%%matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_shared_secret:%%'' in your Ansible ''%%vars.yaml%%'' file. * In ''%%bridge -> encryption%%'', change ''%%allow:%%'' to ''%%true%%'', and ''%%default:%%'' to ''%%true%%'' * Save and close the file. * Go to the terminal of your preference, run ''%%cd ~/src/mautrix-imessage/%%'', followed by ''%%./mautrix-imessage -g%%''. This will generate ''%%registration.yaml%%'' in that directory. Edit that file. * In ''%%registration.yaml%%'', change ''%%url:%%'' to ''%%http://:29331%%'', where ''%%%%'' is the IP address of your Mac in the ZeroTier network. ==== Register the App service on your Synapse server ==== * SSH in to your Synapse server as root * ''%%mkdir -p /matrix/mautrix-imessage/config%%'' * ''%%nano /matrix/mautrix-imessage/config/registration.yaml%%'' * Paste in the edited contents of ''%%registration.yaml%%'' from your Mac. ====== Installing wsproxy ====== Compiled binaries for macOS aren’t available for download for wsproxy, so you’ll need to compile it yourself. To do this, first go to [[https://go.dev]] and download (and install) Go for macOS. Then: * ''%%cd ~%%'' * ''%%git clone https://github.com/mautrix/wsproxy%%'' * ''%%cd wsproxy%%'' * ''%%go build -o mautrix-wsproxy%%'' * ''%%mv mautrix-wsproxy ~/src/mautrix-wsproxy%%'' * ''%%cp example-config.yaml ~/src/mautrix-wsproxy/config.yaml%%'' * Edit ''%%config.yaml%%'' * Set ''%%listen_address:%%'' to ''%%'' * Replace the value of ''%%as%%'' with the value of ''%%as_token%%'' from ''%%registration.yaml%%'' * Replace the value of ''%%hs%%'' with the value of ''%%hs_token%%'' from ''%%registration.yaml%%'' * Remove everything after the ''%%hs:%%'' line ====== Configure Synapse to register this bridge ====== These steps need to be taken on whatever machine you’re using to run the Ansible playbook. First, edit ''%%vars.yaml%%'', and add the following to the end: # App service registration file for mautrix-imessage matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments: - ‘–mount type=bind,src=/matrix/mautrix-imessage/config/registration.yaml,dst=/matrix-mautrix-imessage-registration.yaml,ro’ matrix_synapse_app_service_config_files: - /matrix-mautrix-imessage-registration.yaml Then, re-run the playbook with ''%%ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=setup-all,start%%''. ===== Test ===== Once that completes, test it out quickly. Back on the Mac, open two terminal windows. In the first, run ''%%~/src/mautrix-wsproxy/mautrix-wsproxy%%''. In the second, run ''%%~/src/mautrix-imessage/mautrix-imessage%%''. If the latter starts up successfully, press Ctrl-C to terminate each of them. ====== Start wsproxy and the bridge automatically ====== Back on the Mac, create ''%%~/mautrix-imessage.plist%%''. Its contents should be: Label com.github.mautrix-imessage WorkingDirectory /Users//src/mautrix-imessage ProgramArguments ./mautrix-imessage --config config.yaml RunAtLoad KeepAlive …where ''%%%%'' is your username on the Mac. Then create ''%%~/mautrix-wsproxy.plist%%''. Its contents should be: Label com.github.mautrix-wsproxy WorkingDirectory /Users//src/mautrix-wsproxy ProgramArguments ./mautrix-wsproxy -config config.yaml RunAtLoad KeepAlive Then, at your favorite terminal: * ''%%mkdir ~/Library/LaunchAgents%%'' * ''%%cp ~/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/%%'' * ''%%launchctl load mautrix-wsproxy.plist%%'' * ''%%launchctl load mautrix-imessage.plist%%'' ====== Test again ====== Log in to your homeserver using whatever client app you like, and send a message to ''%%@imessagebot:example.com%%'', where ''%%example.com%%'' is the domain of your homeserver.